July 8, 2024By Erin Carn Bennett

How to Prepare For a Healthcare Simulation Job Interview

A career in healthcare simulation is incredibly exciting for those who are interested. A healthcare simulation career is a wonderful opportunity for the applicant in the healthcare workforce to expand their knowledge bases and advance in many areas. There is a great chance to feel a lot of accomplishment and job satisfaction by giving back by teaching healthcare workers and being a part of improved clinical practice and patient care. This article by Erin Carn-Bennett, MSN, RN, will explore the process of an interview for a clinical simulation position for any speciality within healthcare simulation. There will be ideas shared on how to prepare for the best outcomes in the career dreams are made of for many.

Preparation Starts With Your Network To Others

As an applicant for a job in a healthcare simulation program, go through the process to network with people within clinical simulation circles as much as possible. Be bold in this process; this can be completed by a call on the phone or by an email to the right people to ask for their advice. People in clinical simulation want to help each other improve and progress. Ask for advice on the application and interview process for a clinical simulation role. Also, put out to anyone met from clinical simulation programs that the applicant is interested in working in clinical simulation and to reach out with any known opportunities.

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Don’t Just Say The “Right” Answer; Be Authentic

A big part of a role within a healthcare simulation program is to t
ake measured chances and risks that do not impact the safety of others or the healthcare system. Do not be afraid to make mistakes, own them and learn from them. Trust that there is so much to learn from mistakes always. For an interviewer, an applicant who is not afraid to be unapologetically themselves will often shine brighter than those who answer with pre-rehearsed standardized answers. Be bold, take measured chances such as described above, and watch them sometimes pay off.

An applicant to a healthcare simulation program should know what transferable skills and skill sets can be complimented to the healthcare simulation role. These transferable skills should not dominate the interview answers but should be mentioned as examples throughout the interview. Be sure to gain clarity about the healthcare simulation program role and job description prior to the interview. The job description will be a treasure chest of information as to where the applicant for the clinical simulation job should focus their interview preparation and research about the clinical simulation program prior to the job interview.

View the LEARN CE/CME Platform Webinar Clinical Simulation Professional Development: A Scaffold Approach to learn more!

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Ensure To Do The Research to Know the Program

Know whether the organization where the interview takes place has adopted any best practices in regard to clinical simulation that are used for the program foundations. For example, the program uses the Healthcare Simulation Standards of Best Practice. These standards of best practice in healthcare simulation provide processes for evaluating and improving healthcare simulation procedures and methods of delivery. The adoption of these ten standards by a healthcare simulation program demonstrates a commitment to quality and rigorous best practice guidelines in healthcare simulation education to improve patient and clinical care (INACSL Standards Committee, 2021).

Other best practice guidelines may also be used by the organization. With knowledge of these best practice guidelines, the applicant can know what type of examples to use in the interview that will be relevant to the clinical simulation program. In preparation, know that these best practices will be the pillars that form the clinical simulation program and will also be woven through the whole clinical simulation program.

Be sure to brush up on the latest news for healthcare simulation. This can be done by signing up to the healthysimulation.com newsletter and staying current. Share articles of interest on social media and engage in conversations online in healthcare simulation international community social media pages. Start to follow people from clinical simulation of note across the globe and take note of what other clinical simulation programs are up to. As an applicant, consider the questions in the healthcare simulation interview and prepare answers. These answers should also include examples by the applicant from other employment roles of relevance. Research the organization and the simulation program in all ways possible. Know what type of clinical simulation is done in their organization and what is not included in their clinical simulation program. Consider what subjects and clinical simulation subjects interest an applicant and formulate some questions around the applicant’s personalized areas of interest.

Seek to learn about cultural expectations, norms, and customs that surround the clinical simulation program where a job application is made. Engage to learn, prepare answers, and also knowledge, especially in regards to any indigenous cultures associated with the clinical simulation program. Research whether the organization’s clinical simulation program includes any equity, diversity, and inclusion healthcare simulation curriculum. Take questions around these topics for the interviewers that interest the applicant as an individual and relate these parallel to the organization’s policy and procedures.

Do not be afraid to ask to meet with the healthcare simulation program manager prior to the interview to express interest and ask some carefully considered questions. Of course the healthcare simulation program manager will not be able to provide much information in regard to the interview. However, if the meet-up is accepted, the applicant can enquire about details of the clinical simulation program and express great interest in the healthcare simulation job on offer.

Ask Questions in Regard To Personal Career Progression

Have questions for the interviewers about an education and progression plan for the future within the clinical simulation role. Enquire about any work-related benefits at the organization, particularly educational leave and monetary value for any education progression.

After the interview, ask for feedback on the interview performance. Whether a positive or not desired outcome after the interview, this information can be valuable in preparation for any interviews in the future.

This article has explored how to prepare for a job interview in a healthcare simulation role. Strategies have been given around preparation from both an individual and organizational level. A career in healthcare simulation is both an incredible opportunity and an honor. With strategic preparation and practice, a positive outcome for a clinical simulation job is far more likely.

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