While nurses are graduating from their programs well-versed in scientific and medical concepts, studies show an ongoing lack of clinical confidence and decision-making skills. Students and graduates know they have these deficiencies, and they lack confidence because of it. Employers are struggling with the influx of educated nurses who lack the experience needed to safely implement what they know toward positive health outcomes. Research has emerged characterizing the existing shortcomings in the clinical prioritization of care. When implemented properly, prioritization of care involves making clinical judgments to address patients in the appropriate order to minimize risk and meet their needs. The virtual solutions from Sentinel U have been mapped to level 3 of the Clinical Judgement Measurement Model (NCSBN, 2019). Using virtual simulations from Sentinel U can be another opportunity to ensure learners are honing their clinical judgment. Gaining familiarity with real-life scenarios helps with the transition between the classroom and clinical practice, mitigating the risks faced by both patients and providers alike. Watch this one hour webinar to better understand how the Clinical Judgment Measurement Model works with Sentinel U’s Prioritization of Care virtual patient products.
Learning Objectives:
- Overview of Sentinel U’s Prioritization of Care and Professional Nursing Series virtual patient simulator products.
- Review the Clinical Judgment Measurement Model (CJMM) (NCSBN, 2019).
- Examine the alignment of the Clinical Judgment Measurement Model and Sentinel U virtual nursing simulation products.