Healthcare professionals do a lot everyday that helps to keep patients safe. They do so in highly complex, ever changing conditions – keeping performance to a large extend within a corridor of normal performance. Safety work and simulation practice, however, concentrate to a large extend on those moments, where things go wrong. The learning from success approach (LFS) in mundane situations supplements this practice, by helping participants, understand in detail, how they create good (not perfect) performance in those situations that many encounter often – situations that we call mundane. This approach opens up the larger part of practice (the regular good performance) as learning space and sets the focus on prevention of threats to safety and quality. The webinar will discuss the theoretical foundations of this approach, LFS practices, as well as potentials and limitations.
Further reading:ย https://advancesinsimulation.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s41077-017-0054-1
Learning Objectives:
- Describe the implication of variations in complex systems on simulation-based learning.
- Apply at least two practices to support learning from success.
- Discuss the potentials and limitations of mundane practice for simulation-based learning.