
SmartMan is a healthcare simulation company that provides high-fidelity simulation systems focusing on emergency resuscitation. Each medical simulation system produced by SmartMan includes a simulation manikin, advanced sensors, analog to digital converters, software to display the performance data and tools to process the data.

The training products are scientific instruments that provide accurate measurement of all parameters that relate to emergency skills performance. According to SmartMan, the product tolerances are well beyond what a person is able to perceive. The emergency simulators give learners and trainers a way to establish the proper objective evaluation of skills.

SmartMan’s manikin systems are rugged, durable and able to “take continued pounding yet retain accuracy.” A high-quality look and feel gives excellent tactile response for compressions. Specific features such as external adjustment of chest resistance, air flow in the airway system that responds to movement of the chest and visualization of air flow provide a high degree of learner support, which is built on science.

Each product is equipped with real-time feedback, designed with ease of understanding and accuracy in mind to help learners achieve the highest retention rates and levels of competence. Proprietary sensors are designed to produce the most accurate digital data stream in the industry. The manikins and ems simulators can be used together to develop in-depth knowledge and improve performance.

Tutorials that work on specifically difficult sub-skills are included with SmartMan simulations, and extra teaching aids are available at the click of a button. Learners can turn the metronome on and off, turn the feedback off or review a performance on a big screen. There is also a metronome for practicing ventilations.

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With successful design, SmartMan has been able to develop and maintain more than 20 full training systems. These systems all provide accurate performance data and real-time responses, showing how actions relate to the status of the patient.

In developing these clinical simulation products, SmartMan’s vision has been to create and produce methods for learners to improve their skills and performance prior to being called upon to respond to a real-life medical emergency. For example, when a patient goes into sudden cardiac arrest, experiences acute respiratory distress or another life threatening emergency, being trained to perform life-saving procedures in a timely manner can greatly improve outcomes. Additionally, practice in following protocols can lead to limited hesitation.

Other important elements that can be simulated through SmartMan products are the ability to communicate effectively with others and perform skills to the highest degree. With proper practice skills can be developed as muscle memory so that the correct performance becomes automatic. Together, these attributes pave the way for a patient’s best chance of leaving a hospital in better neurological condition, hence the company’s slogan, “more survivors in better condition.”

Rapid refresher simulations are available for a quick self check of skills as well. In less than four minutes a learner can go through a quick check and re-hone skills so they are certain they are performing correctly. This quick practice done a few times will reinforce correct performance so that it becomes automatic.

According to SmartMan, the word “quality” is defined and objectively measured with SmartMan. Accuracy provides a reliable measurement so that the threshold of performance indicated in the science can be met. The company truly measures success by whether more people survive to go home to their families.

Spreading added awareness of SmartMan simulation tools, the company’s simulators and manikins have been presented at a variety of medical simulation conferences, exhibitions and shows, such as those hosted by SimGHOSTS, INACSL, ASPiH, SESAM, and the International Meeting for Simulation in Healthcare (IMSH) from the Society for Simulation in Healthcare (SSiH).

SmartMan Healthcare Simulation Simulators and Systems

Of the SmartMan healthcare simulators, the Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (RSIM ARDS) is a new high-fidelity simulator designed to help fight COVID-19. The RSIM ARDS is specifically designed to improve training where a patient with COVID-19 has difficulty breathing or is unable to breathe on their own. To help train learners, the medical simulator offers new, improved airway management, flexibility to respond to COVID-19 and offers training from airway basics to advanced teamwork in personal protective equipment (PPE).

The RSIM ARDS allows for quick upskilling of health care specialists who may be called upon to provide support in areas they would have rarely been asked to support. This newly designed product provides practice in managing team dynamics, improving communication and leadership skills through PPE, use of cues and confirmation techniques and many other unique procedures. By practicing their skills on this clinical simulation tool, learners are able to gain the confidence needed to step into new situations.

Next, the RSIM Tasks Trainer is a full-body, high-fidelity manikin simulator with lifelike interaction for air movement in the chest. The health care simulation manikin is built to take the repeated hard pounding of continued chest compressions training and features immediate color feedback to improve skills performance. For example, as survival of sudden cardiac arrest depends on the quality of chest compressions and amount of time off the chest, the RSIM Tasks Trainer can better prepare learners by improving these skills.

The RSIM Team Trainer brings crucial aspects to the fore with accurate real-time feedback on the entire crew’s full skills performance, including timings, critical events, and coordination. The human patient simulator provides learners with the tips successful health care facilities have developed, makes team leader roles explicit, provides detail on optimized movement of responders and teaches set actions for crucial parts of response to improve communication during the code.

This advanced patient simulator allows users to put everything the team members have learned in individual stations into the practice situation where they all have to function together for the benefit of the patient. The RSIM Team Trainer includes examples of using clear, concise directions with well-timed performance of skills to develop a successful team. The simulator also has suggestions on roles dependent on the number of responders.

A proprietary system unique to SmartMan Resuscitation Systems, the Delta Tidal Flow Interaction System (DTFIS) creates the physical feel of pressure and learners can hear sounds when the rescuers are generating conflicting pressures in the airway. The real-time digital display of the movement of air in and out of the lungs during performance of CPR includes the influence of air being pushed out of the lungs and being sucked into the lungs when chest compressions are ongoing. The digital display also includes the real change in volumes, which influence how and when the BVM is used.

All RSIM products come with the ability to generate heart rhythms on a defibrillator monitor. This allows the learner to integrate their own device into an advanced scenario training. RSIM products can all be used with automated external defibrillator trainers, and there is no display on an AED where learners cannot see the heart rhythms.

SmartMan also provides a Megacode Feedback System that can be ordered as a torso or a full body manikin. This system has a high-fidelity airway, which will allow practice with many para-laryngeal and laryngeal devices. The system has advanced physical features, which are important to practicing particular actions that other manikins in this class lack. The SmartMan Megacode Feedback System is excellent for practicing skills that require more than one person to coordinate their actions with clinical levity, provides a high degree of accuracy, provides for data analysis and research purpose.

All airway products provide a high degree of accuracy with a natural chest resistance. This provides the user with a more lifelike experience. The proprietary sensors created just for air movement measure the rate of air movement. SmartMan also offers a Ventimeter, which displays the air moving into and out of the lungs.