
SimForHealth is a virtual simulation solutions for medical education based companies. SimForHealth was founded in 2008 and has four listed offices in France, Boston, USA and Canada. The company SimForHealth aims to change the training of healthcare professionals with the use of technology in a virtual environment. SimForHealth is a company which offers an immersive, interactive, and collaborative approach to both the initial and also continuation of education to healthcare professionals through the innovation and creation of virtual simulation solutions.

For the last several years SimForHealth works with clients who are healthcare providers to be able to design immersive and interactive virtual based education solutions.

SimForHealth virtual simulators have so far been used to train more than 50,000 healthcare professionals across the world in a virtual simulation based platform. SimForHealth aligns with an ethical rule which is: โ€œNever the first time on the patient.โ€

SimForHealthโ€™s mission is stated to be to provide interactive and efficient ways to train healthcare professionals thanks to latest technological innovations. SimForHealth offers a wide array of virtual simulator technologies which includes: screen-based simulators or virtual reality based virtual simulators. The type of virtual simulator provided by SimForHealth depends on the pedagogical learning objectives of the healthcare simulation outlayed by the clinical simulation educators. is dedicated to providing the latest SimForHealth news and healthcare simulation resources from around the world. To follow along, sign up for our free medical simulation email newsletter, follow @โ€ŒHealthySim on Twitter and @โ€ŒHealthySim on Facebook, or join our LinkedIn Company Page!

SimForHealthโ€™s vision is to provide learning by doing. This has always been a preferred way to teach medicine in SimForHealthโ€™s eyes. Virtual simulation allows repetitive style of education for healthcare simulation participants. This allows for improved retention of clinical based information, and increased confidence of the learners as they attend virtual simulation based education. 

Virtual healthcare simulators that are provided by SimForHealth are efficient to deliver a wide range of pedagogical learning objectives such as clinical reasoning or procedural based education. Virtual simulation is a necessary supplement to current healthcare simulation based education solutions. As stated earlier SimForHealthโ€™s philosophy and values state: โ€œNever the first time with the patientโ€.

View the LEARN CE/CME Platform Webinar An Open Educational Resource on Virtual Simulation: A Free Educator’s Toolkit to learn more!

Respect is also a value that drives SimForHealth. Beyond an open and attentive attitude, respect for others is about keeping oneโ€™s commitments to them in the long-term, whether it is a member of staff, a partner, or a client. Healthcare education and training has a direct impact on the level of quality patient care received. SimForHealth believes that repetition brings excellence and this is provided through SimForHealthโ€™s high quality virtual simulators. From a pedagogical perspective, SimForHealth ensures that their virtual simulators are efficient tools for education, with a positive impact on the retention of clinical information for learners.

From a medical perspective, SimForHealth only works with medical experts in our team to ensure and adequacy with regulatory and best practices. All of SimForHealth virtual simulator solutions are hosted on the cloud for access anywhere. This also allows continuous monitoring,  retrieving results (KPIs), and information about the completion of each virtual simulator.

Collaboration is a key factor of learning, we provide multi-user possibilities for SimForHealth virtual simulators. Encouragement of multi-disciplinary team usage will increase the quality of education provided through SimForHealth virtual simulators. Excellency as a standard healthcare education has a direct impact on patient care. SimForHealth believes that repetition brings excellence. From a pedagogical learning perspective, SimForHealth makes sure our simulators are efficient tools for education, with a positive impact on the retention of information.

From a medical perspective, SimForHealth only works with medical experts in our team to ensure and adequacy with regulatory and best practices. SimForHealth has solutions that are hosted on the cloud for access anywhere, anytime. This also allows continuous monitoring,  retrieving results (KPIs), and information about the completion of each virtual simulator.

Collaboration is a key factor of education, SimForHealth provides multi-user possibilities for virtual simulators, and encourages multi-disciplinary usage. SimForHealth invests in healthcare research and development to always remain up to date with the latest opportunities technology can offer and remain at the forefront of this new wave of opportunities.

SIMDOSE Medication Administration Simulation

SIMDOSE is one of the virtual simulators made by SimForHealth. SIMDOSE has 30 practical exercises and also 30 virtual simulated professional situations. Each SIMDOSE virtual simulation exercise confronts the trainee with a realistic professional situation for which he must mobilize his theoretical knowledge. The virtual simulation exercises focus on the medication preparation of oral forms, injectables or infusions for adult patients of all ages in a hospital context in a virtual simulation. 

SIMDOSE understands best practices in medication preparation and this is represented in the SIMDOSE virtual simulator. In each virtual simulation scenario, the learner progresses through all steps of drug preparation and must: administer the medication to the right patient, the right drug, at the right dose, on the right route, at the right time. With the virtual simulation SIMDOSE scenarios, the learner can train as many times as necessary to master mathematical rules of medication dose calculation. SIMDOSE can be used on a PC or Mac and is also available in either English and French.

There are 3 levels of difficulty to the SIMDOSE virtual simulator (beginner, normal, expert), which benefits from a progressive learning and can master the calculations while being less and less guided by clues or aids. An initial brief gives clinical context, theoretical reminders at each step allow to review important notions and the final feedback includes a score allowance to evaluate oneself. SIMDOSE has the ability to be used independently by a student or a nurse who wishes to review certain concepts, or within the framework of an education given at the hospital or in an undergraduate nursing school.

MedicActiV Virtual Patient Simulators

MedicActiV is another virtual simulation product created by SimForHealth. MedicActiV gives access to an international library of virtual patient simulators created by healthcare professionals at SimForHealth. Scenarios are able to be adapted to create individualized virtual patient simulators, with no special IT knowledge required. There is also the ability to share virtual simulator educational content with students and monitor their progress with use.

SimForHealth has the ability to digitalize clinical situations, medical practices or specific procedures which involve medical devices. Virtual simulators are available on computers, tablets, or in Virtual Reality headsets. This is dependent on the learning objectives for the virtual simulation participants. The ability to differentiate through creation of virtual simulation education sessions is provided through SimForHealthโ€™s platform MedicActiV.

SimForHealth is a virtual simulation based company based in USA, Canada and France. Their virtual simulation products are able to be personally edited and made to use for a number of different clinical environments. SimForHealth virtual simulation products can be used for desktop PC virtual simulation, on tablets or within a VR headset.