Media Partners has established media partnerships with leading non-profit organizations around the world who champion the causes associated with improving healthcare outcomes through the use of healthcare simulation best practices. These media partnerships provide for in-kind no-cost exchanges of marketing materials between and the organizations in-order to spread awareness about available resources, many of which are low or no cost.  The goal is that each media partnership helps and these organizations and associations to showcase each other’s work to increase the utilization of their services to the global healthcare simulation community. With as many as 45,000+ readers a month between the website, free bi-monthly email newsletter, and social media accounts on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn – has become the leading independent resource website for healthcare simulation champions around the world, and we wish to promote the work of these amazing organizations without advertising fees.

The overall aim of a media affiliation with includes promoting each respective entity and their endeavors amongst relevant networks and wider communities through a variety of routes including traditional and online marketing methods. Other goals include sharing and developing new knowledge, skills, and resources to benefit the respective communities of each entity. A media partnership is further designed to increase each entity’s awareness of and participation in the other’s events and online services/resources.

Each media partnership is intended to be active through a range of mechanisms, namely by providing time for one meeting annually between nominated representatives of each entity to discuss progress against stated outcomes for the partnership, any amendment of these terms, and to discuss the content roadmap for the upcoming year as deemed necessary. Partnerships are also promoted online through quarterly email messages to share marketing materials, short-term goals, and outcomes. The marketing and promotion of each entity through online/social media platforms and through physical dissemination of materials at events and conferences if in attendance also helps to increase organizational awareness. To inquire more about Media Partnerships, email

Learn more about other International Healthcare Simulation Collaborative Nonprofit Organizations and U.S. Statewide Clinical Simulation Collaboratives.

Current Media Partnerships:

Aga Khan University (Pakistan): The Aga Khan University’s Centre for Innovation in Medical Education, also referred to as “CIME”, has its centres located in Karachi Pakistan and Nairobi, Kenya. CIME is the most advanced healthcare teaching and learning centre in Pakistan and Kenya, and is comparable to the best in the world. CIME is the first simulation-based educational institute in South Asia to be accredited by the Society for Simulation in Healthcare, SSH. CIME operates under the umbrella of Aga Khan University which is a not-for-profit organisation.

ASPE: As the international organization of simulation educators, the Association of Standardized Patient Educators is also dedicated to promoting best practices in the application of SP methodology for education, assessment, and research. The organization’s added purpose includes fostering the dissemination of research and scholarship in the field of SP methodology and working to advance the professional knowledge and skills of its members. In transforming professional performance through the power of human interaction, ASPE members serve as great resources and are always ready to help others with SP training, curriculum and program development, and center creation.

ASPiH: ASPiH is a not-for-profit membership association comprising members drawn from healthcare, education, and patient safety backgrounds including researchers, learning technologists, workforce development or education managers, administrators, and healthcare staff and students. All have a genuine interest in new and innovative methods of learning, as well as optimizing the use of existing simulation resources within their practice. Our membership bridges undergraduate and pre-registration education as well as postgraduate and post-registration training and ongoing CPD for all of the health and social care workforce.

California Simulation Alliance (CSA): In 2008, HealthImpact founded the California Simulation Alliance (CSA) to network and support interdisciplinary healthcare educators in California and beyond. Increasingly, healthcare professionals are utilizing multiple types of simulation in pre-licensure schools to provide a high-quality clinical experiences and in hospitals to improve patient care and teamwork. The California Simulation Alliance is a leader in faculty development for simulation educators, having trained over 2,500 simulation faculty. CSA courses have an interprofessional focus and are designed for all levels. Following principles of adult learning, all courses are interactive and immersive in nature and support transition of the learner from novice to expert. The CSA courses are preparatory for the Certification as Healthcare Simulation Educator (CHSE) endorsed by the Society for Simulation in Healthcare.

CAN-SIM: The Canadian Alliance of Nurse Educators Using Simulation is connecting nurse educators and allied health partners from across Canada and beyond to share knowledge, resources and expertise in areas of simulation education and research. Their objectives are to support collaboration between nurse educators in simulation design and integration in the context of nursing and interdisciplinary teams and to enhance expertise in evidence-based simulation teaching and learning through professional development and mentorship. As well, the organization was developed to enhance simulation-based learning through the sharing of scenarios and resources between members, and to implement strategies that promote the development, application, and dissemination of simulation research. Finally, the NPO looks to support a continuum of research activities to assist and sustain research among nursing and related healthcare educators.

FLASIC: Simulation research in Latin America has grown considerably in the last few years. Due to the challenges of publishing research for their primarily-Spanish speaking members in English journals, the organization has developed its own journal to support simulation to Latin-speaking audiences. The new journal already has 3 publications produced with three planned per year.

INACSL: The International Nursing Association of Clinical Simulation and Learning (INACSL) is committed to advancing the science of healthcare simulation. As part of our vision to become the global leader in transforming practice to improve patient safety through excellence in healthcare simulation, we equip our members with the latest research and educational strategies to further impact learning outcomes and enhance patient health across the continuum of care.

IPSS: IPSS is a global community of pediatricians, pediatric subspecialists, pediatric nurses, advanced practice providers, educators, and other allied health professionals from over 30 countries, all dedicated to improving the care of infants and children worldwide through multi-disciplinary, simulation-based education, training, and research in pediatric simulation. We strive to bring the knowledge and skills we have gained to the widest possible audience and welcome all healthcare professionals who care for children and infants regardless of where you practice, for we truly are IPSS Global.

ISQua: The mission of the International Society for Quality in Health Care (ISQua) is to inspire and drive improvement in the quality and safety of health care worldwide through education and knowledge sharing, external evaluation, supporting health systems and connecting people through global networks. ISQua’s vision is to be the global leader of transformation ni healthcare quality and safety.

IVRHA: The International Virtual Reality Healthcare Association is a member driven organization comprised of entities throughout the healthcare ecosystem, including technology companies, teaching hospitals and universities. The organization also includes healthcare providers and insurance companies. IVRHA’s mission is to facilitate and support the growth of the virtual reality and healthcare simulation industries as this new computing platform impacts healthcare practitioners and patients around the world.

Morocco Sim is a learned society based in Morocco concerned with simulation in healthcare and educational innovation. The organization adopts the SHINE principle: Simulation, Healthcare, Innovation, Networking and Education, aiming for the progress and development of simulation in healthcare in all its aspects (education, evaluation, research, interprofessional).

National League for Nursing (NLN): Dedicated to excellence in nursing, the National League for Nursing as the nation’s first nursing association serves as the leading voice for nurse faculty and leaders in nursing education. The NLN offers professional development, networking opportunities, assessment services, nursing research grants, and public policy advocacy for nearly 45,000 individual and over 1,000 institutional members. NLN members represent nursing education programs across the spectrum of higher education, health care organizations, and agencies. Founded in 1893 as the American Society of Superintendents of Training Schools for Nurses, the National League for Nursing was the first nursing organization in the United States. Headquartered in Washington, DC, the NLN is led by a board of governors elected at large by the membership for three-year terms. The volunteer board chair works closely with the NLN’s president and chief executive officer.  NLN Simulation Innovation Resource Center courses are an online e-learning solution for simulation faculty and staff development. SIRC courses are designed for faculty and staff development, and include topics covering everything from the basics of integrating and debriefing simulations, to conducting evaluation and research. Continuing Education (CE) credits are offered for each of these courses.

NPSB: The National Patient Safety Board (NPSB), a proposed independent federal agency, is modeled in part after the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB). The agency conducts centralized studies into medical mishaps and systemic breakdowns to prevent future catastrophes. Using de-identified data from electronic health records, artificial intelligence, and reporting from other agencies, the NPSB identifies cause-and-effect relationships and issues timely recommendations to improve patient safety. Like the NTSB, the NPSB’s recommendations are bipartisan and nonpunitive… and save lives.

NZASH: The New Zealand Association for Simulation in Healthcare (NZASH), is a national organisation for healthcare simulation in New Zealand. NZASH is a forum for education and networking of professionals interested in simulation in healthcare. The nonprofit NZASH organization represents doctors, nurses, educationalists, simulation technicians, paramedics, academics, industry groups and managers using simulation as a tool for education, training and research to enhance safety and quality for patients. NZASH was incorporated as a Society in 2004 after an initial simulation interest group meeting in Hamilton, New Zealand, and is a non-profit association with an elected executive committee who work for the Society on an unpaid basis. The organization continues to explore ways NZASH can add value to the members and develop healthcare simulation in New Zealand and beyond.

PSMF: The Patient Safety Movement Foundation takes a holistic approach to reducing preventable patient harm. Our movement brings patients, clinicians, healthcare organizations, payers, and policymakers together to address the complexity of healthcare challenges systematically. We have the know-how to achieve ZERO preventable patient harm, but this can only happen in a healthcare setting that has a culture of safety and implemented the necessary Actionable Evidence-Based Practices.

S3 Singapore: Hosted by the SingHealth Duke-NUS Institute of Medical Simulation (SIMS) and jointly organised with Society for Simulation in Europe (SESAM) and The Gathering of Healthcare Simulation Technology Specialists (SimGHOSTS), the S3 Conference runs biennially at Academia, Singapore! Gathering the brightest minds and ideas in healthcare simulation at one venue in Singapore, the Conference aims to showcase the transformation of healthcare simulation and harness the latest technologies and techniques to propel patient care standards to greater heights.

Saudi Ministry of Health General Directorate of Academic Affairs and Training (GDAAT): The Saudi Ministry of Health (MOH) is committed to the provision of healthcare at all levels, promotion of general health, and prevention of diseases, in addition to developing the laws and legislations regulating both the governmental and private health sectors. Aside from that, MOH is accountable for performance monitoring in health institutions, along with research activity and academic training in the field of health investment.

Serious Games: Serious Games Interactive is a research-based developer of games, simulations, and virtual worlds, with 15+ years of experience. The company sees games as a powerful language that can shape the world and how people learn. The company combines game design, game technology, instructional design, and psychology to master the art of crafting award-winning learning games, simulations, and training. Serious Games uses a process that has been perfected over 15 years, ensuring that we can offer clients a solution that delivers what they are looking for.

SESAM: The Society in Europe for Simulation, formerly known as The Society in Europe for Simulation Applied to Medicine, is the world’s longest-running healthcare simulation organization. The mission of SESAM is to encourage and support the use of simulation in health care for the purpose of training and research. The SESAM constitution shares that the purpose of the registered association is to develop and apply simulation throughout education, research, and quality management in medicine and healthcare settings. The society also works to facilitate, exchange and improve upon the technology and knowledge related to healthcare simulation across Europe.

SHS India: The first SIMULCON was hosted in December of 2019 by GSL Medical College and General Hospital in the historic city of Rajahmundry and saw over 1500 Health care professionals and simulation enthusiasts in attendance. Over the years, SHS has been building on the success of its conferences through regular webinars on Simulation and allied sciences targeted at simulation enthusiasts around the Globe. We’re now going full steam ahead for SIMULCON 2021. The success of last year’s virtual conference has opened newer frontiers that would have otherwise been inaccessible to many young and enthusiastic learners.

SIM-MidWest: Simulation in Motion Midwest is a consortium of the SIM in Motion states: South Dakota, North Dakota, Nebraska, Montana, and Iowa. Currently the program is housed under the University of North Dakota School of Medicine and Health Sciences Simulation Center. The SIM in Motion programs began with grant funding and support by the Leona M. & Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust. Each program operates independently of one another although all programs are Not-for- profit organizations. Their mission is to deliver high-quality, evidence-based education to providers who might not have opportunities to attend simulation training due to distance, staff coverage, and cost. These services are provided at little or no cost. The coalition will reach out to industries in the individual states as a possible means of sustainability. The consortium will look for grant funding to be used with the goal to continue to provide healthcare simulation education to rural areas at no cost.

SimGHOSTS: SimGHOSTS is a healthcare education community that empowers users of healthcare simulation technology to improve learning and patient care outcomes. The organization is committed to improving quality and safety in healthcare through innovation in the training of current and future health professionals. SimGHOSTS partners with leading simulation centers and organizations to provide hands-on clinical simulation technology training events around the world.

Simulation Canada: Simulation Canada (formerly known as SIM-one and the Canadian Network for Simulation in Healthcare) is Canada’s interprofessional, cross-sector network for the advancement of healthcare simulation. SIM-one and the Canadian Network for Simulation in Healthcare completed their integration in September 2017 to establish Simulation Canada, a new, interprofessional simulation network. Ever since, the nonprofit organization has served to connect clinical simulation community members, facilities, and resources across Canada and beyond. Simulation Canada advocates for and advances medical learning through simulations to benefit patient safety and care.

Simulation Australasia: The mission of Simulation Australasia is to build a better future by connecting Australasia’s modelling and simulation communities, promoting cross-industry research and collaboration and fostering the development of modelling and simulation professionals and standards of good practice. The Organization is largely funded by membership fees and by funds raised from events such as conferences and seminars.

To inquire more about Media Partnerships, email

Learn more about other International Healthcare Simulation Collaborative Nonprofit Organizations and U.S. Statewide Clinical Simulation Collaboratives.