How to Develop an Amazing Healthcare Simulation Presentation

How to Develop an Amazing Healthcare Simulation Presentation

An effective verbal presentation with an impressive slide deck which is presented to a high standard is not easily obtained without experience, practice and consideration. As healthcare staff that work in healthcare simulation, presentation skills are often expected as part of the role as a clinical educator. However, there is often no formal education provided to staff and skill acquisition occurs on the job. This article by Erin Carn-Bennett, RN, MSN will explore tips to create a highly effective slide deck for presentation and also presentation skills that can take the healthcare simulation didactic presentation to the next level.

Introductions in a Clinical Simulation Presentation are Critical to Gain Interest

Be sure to introduce the speaker and focus upon any relevant clinical experiences and also healthcare simulation experiences. This will assist to build trust and psychological safety with participants. Introductions at healthcare simulation courses are incredibly important to set the scene and the tone of the course. An introduction segment on a healthcare simulation course which is rushed and unconsidered shows. Donโ€™t be in a rush in the initial phase of a verbal presentation for a clinical simulation course.

Have a clear structure which is explained at the start of the introductions phase of the presentation. The structure of the presentation should explain what to expect in the time which will be spent in the verbal presentation. Adult learners will want to know briefly at the least of what to expect to learn within the presentation time. This will assist the adult learner with motivation and engagement for the topic which is being presented.

The Use of Appropriate Stories is a Key Strategy to Hold Engagement

As a presenter, the use of stories that are effective and also relevant to healthcare simulation within the verbal presentation should be encouraged and also capitalized on. As a presenter read the room through interest demonstrated with body language and take a lot of consideration as to what stories are chosen to be shared. Be sure to de-identify any identifiable features of the stories which are shared in the presentation in order to protect any staff or patients involved. Confidentiality should always be maintained and the learner or those involved in the story should be represented in the story in a respectful manner with psychological safety at the forefront for all involved.

Use pictures and photos of clinical simulation as much as possible in the presentation to demonstrate relevant practices. Ensure that the appropriate permissions and consents are gained for use relevant to the organization. Pictures in the presentation can assist to hold concentration and engagement of the adult learner. Slides should not have too many words on them. Donโ€™t read what is written off the slide deck. The words on the slide should contain key words; but the presenter should present the learning objectives, story and content that relates to the slide.

Slide Decks are a Constant Work in Progress for Presenters

Slide decks for verbal presentations on healthcare simulation courses should be in a constant revision and edit process. After revision post a clinical simulation course; be sure to update the slide deck and add any improvements or remove content no longer required. This process can be informed by clinical simulation participants, the speaker and other faculty staff involved in the course delivery.

If there is the use of sounds or videos on certain slides be sure to allow time prior to presentation to check that sound and video works on the slidedeck. Have technology support available just in case so troubleshooting this in the moment doesnโ€™t add more stress prior to the presentation. As a presenter tensions can be high prior to delivery; adequate team support from trusted colleagues can assist greatly to alleviate stress levels.

Duplicate slides while in the creation phase of slide decks to save time. Add any relevant organizational logos that have supported the course to the bottom of slides so that these are present prior to the slides being duplicated. Toy with the addition of animations to slide decks but be comfortable and practice with them prior to presentation.

View theHealthySimulation.comLEARN CE/CME Platform Webinar Clinical Simulation Professional Development: A Scaffold Approach to learn more!

Have Adequate Team Support on the Presentation Day if Possible

Find out if there will be the use of a clicker in the presentation on the day for the presenter on the clinical simulation course. This can add to ease of presentation and can mean that the presenter can be more easily mobile around the room to engage more with clinical simulation participants. Keep the healthcare simulation participants busy. Have them up and moving at intervals where possible to maintain connection and interest. Allow questions, conversation and story sharing. Get the balance of didactic presentation to clinical simulation scenarios right. This can be harder than anticipated.

Use an appropriate font size on the slide decks to ensure the majority of the clinical simulation participants will be able to see the content easily. Without this consideration, participants will strain to read the words on the screen and disengage from listening to the presenter. Link any learnings throughout the presentation to any stories or points shared by participants to re-emphasize key take homes. Use body language to display and exude confidence as a presenter even if not feeling confident. These may include power poses, open stance and eye contact.

Make time for lots of practice time for delivery of the presentation. The presenter should aim to be authentic and their true self; demonstrating their own unique point of view. Be sure to watch videos online of highly experienced public speakers who share tips about how to public speak. For example: This video by Mel Robbins (the number one female empowerment speaker in the world) shares incredibly effective and easy skills to use in presentations for clinical simulation talks in the healthcare workplace.

This article has discussed both how to create and also how to deliver an amazing presentation for a clinical simulation course. The creation and review of a slide deck for a clinical simulation course is not an easy process without previous experience. However, skills in this area build quickly with practice and careful consideration. This article discusses a number of simple strategies of how to undertake this process and how to deliver a high level presentation for a clinical simulation course. Although for many clinical simulation staff verbal presentation skills take time to accumulate; the time is now to acquire and also improve on these critical skills as an educator in healthcare simulation.

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Simulation Nurse Educator
Erin Carn-Bennett is a Simulation Nurse Educator for the Douglas Starship Simulation Programme in Auckland, New Zealand. Carn-Bennett has her Masters of Nursing and has an extensive nursing career within pediatric emergency and also nursing management. She is passionate about debriefing and all things simulation. Carn-Bennett is a member of the IPSS board of directors. Carn-Bennett is the lead host of the podcast Sim Nurse NZ.
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