As the International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare (IMSH) comes to a close today, in this article we share some of the exclusive exhibit floor video demos from CAE Healthcare now known as Elevate Healthcare, Education Management Solutions, Laerdal, SimX and Medical Shipment, as well as a summary of the key healthcare simulation content covered over the last several days.

Vendor Hall Demos From CAE Healthcare now Elevate Healthcare, Education Management Solutions, Laerdal, SimX and Medical Shipment (More Coming Soon!)

HealthySimulation.comโ€™s Previous Daily Coverage of IMSH 2024:

Yesterdayโ€™s Presidential Citations

Jayne Smitten, President IMSH, awarded Presidential Citations to Simulation Experts during Day 2 of IMSH: Ismail Mohd Saiboon, MBBS, Dr. Ortho & Trauma, EMerg Med (NSR), CHSE, FAMM; KT Waxman, DNP, MBA, RN, CNL, CHSE, CENP, FAONL, FSSH, FAAN; and Russell D. Metcalfe-Smith, MSc, NRP, CHSE-A, CHSOS-A, FSSH.

Research Awards

  • Research Abstract Award Winner: Rapid Cycle Deliberate Practice Improves Anesthesiology Resident Performance Outcomes while Managing Intraoperative Desaturation Better than Conventional Simulation-based Training Alone – Schiavi and Miller
  • Research Abstract Runner-Up: Using Simulation to Compare Standard Labeling Practice and Medlite Device in Administration of Intravenous Pharmacological Agents – Clive, Saunders, and Gonzales
  • Research Abstract Student Award: Evaluating Workload Indicators for Stress Response Exposure when Practicing Endotracheal Intubation – Cavuoto, Hackett, and Norfleet

2024 Early Career Research Awards: Pooja Nawathe, MD, FAAP, FCCM, CHSE-A, CHSOS

IMSH 2025 will be in Orlando, FL from January 10-14, 2025. The IMSH 2025 Co-Chairs are:

โ€ŒWednesday, January 24, 2024

More About IMSH

Hosted by the Society for Simulation in Healthcare (SSH), the International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare (IMSH) is a scientific conference that explores the latest innovations and best practices in healthcare simulation. IMSH provides the tools and resources healthcare professionals need to advance their skills, impact change in delivery systems and practice, and, ultimately, improve patient safety. For live updates follow #IMSH2024.

Gavel Exchange and Barry Issenberg, MD, FSSH, is the next SSH President. In Dr. Issenbergโ€™s address he noted the evolution of healthcare simulation and his path in healthcare simulation. His goal is to continue to work on and develop ways to meet the Strategic Plan of SSH.

Plenary Speaker – Kim Becking

โ€ŒThe SSH Presents Closing Plenary speaker is Kim Becking. Kim was selected to give IMSH 2024 participants IDEAs about Disseminate. Kim has a framework for reframing, resilience, and Unstoppable Momentum to overcome resistance and change. She will show you how to disseminate that does not mean you must publish.ย 

Introduction of IMSH 2025 Co-Chairs and the IMSH 2025 Theme

IMSH 2025 will be a special event next year as the 25th anniversary of IMSH. The IMSH 2025 Co-Chairs are Kyle Johnson, PhD, RN, CHSE; Katie MaxKenzie, MSHS, CHSE, CHSOS-A;ย  and Shannon DiMarco, MSHS, CHSOS, PhD(c) . The theme is โ€œLooking Back, Reaching Forward!โ€ย 

SSH Presents: Healthcare Simulation Dictionary โ€“ Adapting, Evolving, and Growing Panel presentation discussed the Healthcare Simulation Dictionary 3.0 and new terms to be evaluated and defined. A conversation on spelling the word manikin versus mannequin. The word manikin originated in Dutch meaning: a little man: DWARF, PYGMY. However, human patient simulation manufactures chose manikin over mannequin, because many think of mannequin as a stationary model for clothes. More conversations will be ongoing for this topic.

New words being considered are de-rolling, formal education/training in simulation, Benevolent Deception, Incognito Standardized Patients, Simulated Participant, and Simulation Specialist. Alot of conversation related to ExtendedReality (XR), Mixed Reality, Augmented Reality, Metaverse and AI. working Groups within the Healthcare Simulation Dictionary Group will continue to work on these terms for the 3.0 edition.

Psychological Safety in Distance Sim: Is That Your Boss Behind You? presentation by Sharouk Khanjar, Dawn Wawersik, Dan Raemer, Susan Eller, Hani Lababidi. Psychological Safety definition is a โ€œshared belief that the consequence of taking interpersonal risks in particular context is safe.ย  This creates as sense of confidence that the trainer will not embarrass, reject, or punish the trainee or others (Edmondson, 1999, 2019). Distance Simulation is defined as an umbrella term referring to different modalities or their combinations where one of the simulation participants is at a distance from the educator, facilitator, or other learners. The panel acted out scenarios when psychological safety was not used and used. Strategies were explored.ย 

IMSH 2024 is a Wrap

IMSH 2024 had over 4300 participants, the highest number and largest vendor exhibit hall, very engaging plenary speakers, and over 200 registrants for the SimRun. The theme IDEA: Innovate, Disseminate, Educate, and Advocate was integrated throughout. The keynotes and their takeaway message:

  • Michael Bonner spoke on the Educate theme. He discussed intentional strategic collaborations to grow. Michael talked about Black Swan Events that bring about forced change. He emphasized to the audience to expect resistance with growth and change.ย 
  • Kindra Hall spoke on the Advocate theme. Kindra taught us how to tell your story to co-create a shared story with those in the audience to increase the buy-in. The storyteller is responsible to bring the energy into the room.
  • Duncan Wardle spoke on the Innovate theme. Duncan challenged us to find our inner creative child. His drawings represented his talks. He stated to identify a problem, make a list of the rules, then play the โ€˜what ifโ€™ game to create potential solutions. He also stressed the need to get outside of our โ€˜River of Thinkingโ€ and come up with new thoughts โ€“ take time to let your brain reset and come up with possibilities.ย 
  • Kim Becking spoke on the Disseminate theme. Kim talked with the audience about how they have worked harder with less. The community is past resilience. Kim stated, โ€œThere is no new normal. There is only what is now and what is next!โ€ This requires a mindset shift to: Stop. Shift. Reframe. However, self-care is required. Participants we taught โ€œYou are Allowedโ€ to feel how you feel. Unstoppable Momentum empowers one to be ready to conquer change, become more resilient, accelerate success and achieve more in their business, life and relationships no matter what life throws at them.

Plan ahead: IMSH 2025: IMSH will be held from January 10 to January 14, 2025 in Orlando, Florida.

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Founder / CEO
Lance Baily, BA, EMT-B, is the Founder / CEO ofย, which he started in 2010 while serving as the Director of the Nevada System of Higher Educationโ€™s Clinical Simulation Center of Las Vegas. Lance also foundedย, the worldโ€™s only non-profit organization dedicated to supporting professionals operating healthcare simulation technologies. His co-edited Book: โ€œComprehensive Healthcare Simulation: Operations, Technology, and Innovative Practiceโ€ is cited as a key source for professional certification in the industry. Lanceโ€™s background also includes serving as a Simulation Technology Specialist for the LA Community College District, EMS fire fighting, Hollywood movie production, rescue diving, and global travel. He and his wife live with their two brilliant daughters and one crazy dachshund in Las Vegas, Nevada.