Key terms in Healthcare Simulation are a core requirement to understanding the unique field. Here then are 14 more new keywords that the team has created pages for to help clinical simulation champions better understand the terminology within the global community. Click the links on any of the terms below to read greater details, which cover new companies, certification, events, simulator types, organizations, certification and accreditation opportunities and more. Looking for even more keyterms related to medical simulation? Check out the links at the bottom of this article for even more “must-know” terms for clinical simulation!
New Lists of International Healthcare Simulation Country Collaboratives and U.S. Statewide Collaboratives: Across the United States and the World, various regional healthcare simulation alliances and collaboratives exist to strengthen the healthcare simulation community on a national, regional, or local level. By engaging with professionals, colleagues and learners with different backgrounds across the industry, simulationists can better understand the state of clinical simulation and the direction in which the field is headed. These new pages list numerous healthcare simulation alliances, collaboratives, and their associated contacts from within the U.S. and externally in countries all over the world.
Elevate Healthcare: Elevate Healthcare, formerly known as CAE Healthcare, launched new branding on May 15th 2024 after the acquisition of the division from CAE by Madison Industries for $227M in October of 2023. Prior to the acquisition by Madison Industries and name change Elevate Healthcare in May 2024, CAE Healthcare had acquired several other leading technologies in the space including Medicor skills trainers and Blue Phantom Ultrasound trainers. The launch and rebrand to Elevate Healthcare demonstrates the companyโs renewed vision and commitment to lead in innovation for healthcare simulation based education.
Healthcare Simulation Standards: Healthcare Simulation Standards promote, guide, and maintain a safe, competent clinical practice. Professional clinical standards can be set through state and national licensure boards, certification boards, accreditation, and credential organizations. The purpose of these clinical simulation standards is to promote best evidence-based practices for all stakeholders to promote learning and professional development in a psychologically safe environment. Multiple professional organizations have developed healthcare simulation standards to promote best practices in clinical simulation programs. Each organizationโs simulation standards will be reviewed.
ASPiH Simulation Standards: Association of Simulated Practice in Healthcare (ASPiH) is a non-profit healthcare simulation organization in the United Kingdom. ASPiH published their initial standards in 2016, describing the attributes required to design and deliver effective simulation-based education and practice. The process took two years to develop a National Standards Framework for Simulation-based Education. The Health Education England (HEE) recognized the need for standards in the healthcare simulation field and was partly-funded by the Association for Simulated Practice in Healthcare (ASPiH) to produce an initial draft document that has been further developed into this final framework through consultation, research and expert input. In 2023, the ASPiH Standards were updated to reflect new knowledge and simulation practices. This article by Teresa Gore, PhD, DNP, APRN, FNP-BC, CHSE-A, FSSH, FAAN, will discuss the development, adoption, and update of the ASPiH Standards.
ASPE Standards of Best Practice: Association of Standardized Patient Educators (ASPE) Standards of Best Practice (SOBP) were developed for those working with clinical human role players who interact with healthcare learners in a wide range of experiential learning and assessment contexts. The ASPE SOBP are intended to be used in conjunction with the International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation and Learning (INACSL) Healthcare Simulation Standards, which address broader simulation practices. These standards are a foundation to guide the practice and management of Standardized Patient Programs for educators who use this methodology in clinical simulation.
ASPE GTA and MUTA Standards of Best Practice: The Association of Standardized Patient Educators (ASPE) is a global organization focused on human simulation via Standardized Patients, aka Simulated Patients. ASPE serves as a virtual community that connects to the field of medical simulation. The Association of Standardized Patient Educators (ASPE) published theASPE Standards of Best Practice (2017) to identify guidelines for individuals and programs working with standardized patients (SPs). This article explores ASPEโs Standards of Best Practice (SOBP) for gynecological teaching assistants (GTA) and male urogenital teaching assistants (MUTA).
Healthcare Simulation Director: A Healthcare Simulation Director is a leadership role in a Healthcare Simulation Center or Simulation Program. A Healthcare Simulation Director is an executive administrator and manager of technical and education staff support. The Healthcare Simulation Director role involves not only operational management but also supports instructor and clinical simulation courses provided.
CAN-Sim Canadian Alliance of Nurse Educators using Simulation: The Canadian Alliance of Nurse Educators Using Simulation or CAN-Sim is a collaboration of nurse educators for excellence in healthcare simulation education and research. Connection of nurse educators and allied health professionals from across Canada and beyond internationally to share their knowledge, resources and expertise in areas of clinical simulation which also includes research and education. is a proud media partner of CAN-Sim.
High-Fidelity Patient Simulator: High Fidelity Simulation is a healthcare education methodology that involves the use of sophisticated life-like manikins (sometimes called mannequins) in realistic patient environments. Simulation scenarios can take place anywhere, from austere environments for EMS or Military Simulations, to clinical environments like surgical simulation inside a simulation centers. These complex manikins, which are also known as human patient simulators or high-fidelity simulators mimic human anatomy and physiology.
Defibrillator Simulator: A defibrillator simulator is a simulator which mimics a real life defibrillator which is used in the event of a cardiac arrest or cardiac based emergency to care for critically ill patients. Defibrillator simulators allow learners to practice cardiac arrest and cardiac emergency based clinical simulation scenarios and to increase confidence and clinical skills in use of a life saving piece of clinical equipment. A defib simulator is a healthcare simulation adjunct which would appeal to all centers and organizations with either undergraduate or postgraduate learners to upskill in defibrillation.
Simulation Training in Healthcare: Simulation Training in Healthcare is an educational method that includes a range of realistic and immersive replicas of clinical practice, policy, scenarios, tasks, and equipment. Healthcare simulation training has a number of purposes. This includes but is not limited to: education, assessment, research, latent safety threat identification, environmental testing and integration of policy and procedure into the healthcare environment.
IMSH 2026: IMSH 2026, aka the 2026 International Meeting for Simulation in Healthcare, is hosted every year by the Society for Simulation in Healthcare (SSH) in a major city in the United States. Dedicated to healthcare simulation research and learning, the event provides an opportunity for “Simulation Champions” from around the world to come together to network with peers, learn from experts, and see the latest medical simulation innovations and simulators like those from Laerdal, Elevate Healthcare, Education Management Solutions, Medical Shipment, SimX, Avkin, TacMed Solutions, WISER, UbiSim, OMS, HTC Vive and many more. IMSH 2026 will occur in San Antonio, Texas, from January 10-14, 2026. As updates become available, more conference information will be added to this page.
IMSH 2027: IMSH 2027, aka the International Meeting for Simulation in Healthcare, is hosted every year by the Society for Simulation in Healthcare (SSH) in a major city in the United States. This healthcare simulation conference is considered one of the largest in the world, and is primarily dedicated to healthcare simulation research and learning which provides “Simulation Champions” to come together to network with peers, learn from experts, and see the latest medical simulation innovations. Participating vendors usually include leading corporations such as and simulators like those Laerdal, Elevate Healthcare, Education Management Solutions, Medical Shipment, SimX, Avkin, TacMed Solutions, WISER, UbiSim, OMS, HTC Vive and many more. IMSH 2027 will occur in New Orleans, Louisiana, from January 23-27, 2027. As updates become available, more conference information will be added to this page.
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